UT Faculty Development


Faculty Development is dedicated to implementing the best practices for faculty mentorship across campus. Effective mentorship plays a vital role in faculty career growth and advancement by fostering individual success and strengthening broader faculty support systems. Our programs target faculty at all stages of career progression to provide support and guidance in navigating their careers. 

Faculty at UT Austin. Two leadership academies will offer personalized mentorship and expert-led workshops to tenured, tenure-track and professional-track faculty.

Programs and Resources

Professional-Track Faculty Peer Networking Circle

Professional-track faculty

Circles will run on either a semester or yearly basis

Provost Mentored Faculty Scholars

Tenure-track or Tenured faculty

Applicants will be notified of decisions in October

Mentorship Toolkit


It takes a village to help an assistant professor become an associate professor…and it takes a city to help an associate professor become a professor.

– Allan Shearer, Associate Dean for Research and Technology, School of Architecture

Associate Professor, Kasey Faust and her mentor, Associate Professor, Allan Shearer

Faculty Development