Career Development Programs

Faculty face many challenges when it comes to the demands of teaching, mentorship, service and personal responsibilities. Programming around Career Development will focus on those challenges with on and off campus partners.

Female faculty member holding a mic in a conference setting.

Programs and Resources

Faculty Development Award for Professional-Track Faculty



Faculty Development Leave

Tenured-faculty, full eligibility details here.


Faculty Writing Communities

Tenured, Tenure-track, or Professional-track faculty

Fall and Spring Writing Communities Date and times:

  • Tuesday 1pm-3pm
  • Wednesday 9am-11am and 1pm-3pm
  • Thursday 9am-11am and 1pm-3pm
  • Friday 9am-11am


Faculty of all levels

Workshops held at the end of each semester.

Faculty Travel Grants (FTG)

Faculty of all levels

An application must be approved (not only submitted) prior to the trip to receive funding.  

SEC Faculty Travel Program

The SEC Faculty Travel Program provides funds for faculty who want to enhance collaboration and stimulate scholarly initiatives between SEC institutions. It allows faculty members to travel to universities within the SEC to exchange ideas, conduct collaborative research, and develop grant proposals, performances, and exhibits.

Faculty of all levels


Associate Professor Experimental (APX)

The transition to tenure marks a new phase in many faculty members’ careers, with new opportunities for leadership and scholarly growth. Associate Professor Experimental (APX) is a design thinking and flash funding retreat that aims to provide dedicated time and financial resources to recently tenured faculty. All newly tenured faculty are invited to a 4-day retreat in the fall semester, during which faculty generate new scholarly collaborations with peers from different academic disciplines. Proposals generated during the retreat are considered for one year of seed funding through the program.

Newly promoted (tenured) associate professors

October 15-18, 2025

By invitation only. All assistant professors approved for promotion to associate professor with tenure are invited each spring.

All faculty, no matter where we are on our career path, benefit from support, training and mentorship.

– Alison Preston, Vice Provost for Faculty Development

Alison Preston, Ph.D.

Faculty Development